Monday, March 31, 2014

Non-Fiction Research Project

Independent Research Project - a study in non-fiction
IRP in CSI Style! Below is a sample graphic organizer - complete and submit a graphic organizer before building your presentation.


When you begin to compose your IRP think like a forensic investigator who is working to solve a case… You are putting the analysis before your audience, but to convince them of your message you must plan your presentation! (Not to say that your presentation will be a crime!) THINK CSI!

C = Claim. This is your introduction and should include an introductory slide. Present a short speech where you include these points:
  • Introduce yourself: “Good morning fellow students. I am ________________ …”
  • Credit th eauthor and mention the title of the book
  • State the topic you are presenting: “…and I’d like to present you with _______...”
  • Explain your claim: “This is relevant because ___________...”

S = Support. Speak to your audience about your topic. This is the BULK of your presenation. 
§         Show your PowerPoint, ComicLife, or any other audio/visual aid. The following points you should either explain as the presentation is being given or should be part of the presentation: Give structure to your presentation - at least three content slides.
1.      Prove why the topic you have chosen is important.
2.      Supply facts, anecdotes and statistics to strengthen your support.
3.      Include pictures, interviews, sound or video clips and tie these together to fully explore the topic you have chosen.

I = Impact. Tell your audience why your topic is relevant to them. These are your concluding statements and should be accompanied by a concluding slide.
  • State why the information you have shared is relevant to your audience.
  • Explain how the information you presented might affect your audience.
  • Thank your audience for their attentiveness and ask for questions.